WAHWN Bridging the Divide training
Bridging the Divide between the Arts and Health sectors. The recording of the webinar is available to watch: https://youtu.be/_GJbHvG4UIU
What we do
We support arts educators, organisations and artists to work together with communities in dynamic, open exchanges that give everyone the opportunity to learn and benefit from the arts
Engage produces a range of publications including books, reports, research documents and toolkits specially commissioned and linked to Engage projects.
With the aim of sharing good practice and promoting understanding of the visual arts, our resources can be downloaded for free and used to inspire and support gallery education practice throughout the sector.
In this section, you will also find case studies published on behalf of our members as part of Sharing Practice.
Bridging the Divide between the Arts and Health sectors. The recording of the webinar is available to watch: https://youtu.be/_GJbHvG4UIU
Resource type:
The recording of the writing case studies webinar is available to watch: https://youtu.be/trgvj94H_Yw View the case study webinar recording
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Case studiesFilms